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Lately I’ve been working with GPT-3, a natural language processing artificial intelligence by, and I’ve been amazed by how clever and interesting the AI can be. There’s a world of possibilities out there for what it can do, from copywriting to co-creating digital worlds, and I’m working on a simple, good, and fun application called GoodKarama. 


GoodKarma is an idea generator focused on coming up with fun and unique ways for you to make somebody's day. Here’s how it will work:

  • Enter a few variables

    • How many accomplices are you playing with?

    • Whose day do you want to make?

    • What difficulty level?

  • Generate an idea 

  • Do it

  • Write about your experience


You’ll be able to leave any of the variables blank if you like and the AI will pick for you, and once you have an idea you can generate as many as you want until you find a winner :)



  • How many people are you playing with? 3

  • Whose day do you want to make? A stranger

  • What difficulty level? Challenge Mode 


Make plans for something cool to do tonight, then each of you go to a coffee shop and find a stranger to invite along, feel free to invite more than one :) 



  • How many people are you playing with? 0

  • Whose day do you want to make? A friend

  • What difficulty level? Hard



Create a care package for a close friend, include all the things you know they love and write a letter talking about how you appreciate them. 




  • How many people are you playing with? 0

  • Whose day do you want to make? A stranger

  • What difficulty level? Easy



Grab a notebook and a pen, then go for a walk and find a really well parked car. Write a note explaining everything you appreciate about their parking job and car, and leave the note on their windshield. 

I need your help!

GoodKarama isn’t an app yet because I don’t have really good training data for it, and that’s where I could use your help. I need more examples to train it on so it can create really fun ideas for people, and I would love your help with this. I’ve put together a printable doc you can use and/or a google form. 


if you like this idea and want to see it come to life, then just play a few times and let me know what you end up doing!

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